How to Continue Sentence Just Like

As the performer lifted his hands back up, the cloth rose too, magically levitating in the air just like the carpet had before it.
Tena Pants Plus are put on just like normal underwear, but have a tearable side seam to make them easy to remove.
The antineutron contains one anti-up quark and two anti-down quarks, giving it a charge of 0, just like the regular neutron.
She dreamed of having children, pushing baby carriages, knitting little caps and sweaters, just like all her cousins.
And just like the trampoliners, the timing of their returns may be different, or uncorrelated.
Vic starts riffing about how he has an eight year old daughter, just like the missing girl.
Do the seven-day trip rigged out in ponchos and fleece chaps just like local cowboys.
It's funny that, while we don't even know what intelligence is, we still get hung up about it, just like all of our little physical insecurities.
But just like a broken leg must be fixed by a doctor so, in most cases, must depression.
Children love to sweep up, and this small besom looks just like a grown-up one.
The statement was allowed to go just like that and no one even asked why the case was so.
It is an amazing thing, a man you have thought might be dead suddenly speaking to you just like that.
The song started out lilting and slow, just like the original version that I already knew by heart.
I mean, God had taken me a murderer, and I feel that he's made me into a minister, just like he's done to the apostle Paul.
A fall from the ring counts as two knockdowns, with three knockdowns resulting in a loss just like a knockout.
The event was just like a carnival, with many thousands of residents lining the roadsides to watch the procession.
My bet is they pigeonhole girls just like they always did, as nice girls or tarts.
Competitive line dancing is just like jazz or disco dancing and it's great when you have a really interesting piece to perform.
Hired security was just like any other kind of staff, just like the maids and the servants and drivers.
He regarded him with a mild smile and slight shake of his head, just like a teacher might regard an apt, but lazy pupil.

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I'm not really sure I need a good Rolfing, but I'd just like to able to tell everyone that I've been Rolfed.
He was dressed just like Wesley except his sleeves were rolled up instead of his pants and he wore a white shirt instead of a blue one.
The Romanian language is a modern Romance language, just like Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Of course all genres have their formulas, and just like any formula film a romcom can be a joy when the journey is well done.
Unlike fire ants, which are known for their aggressive behaviour towards humans, the Argentine ant looks just like the average household ant.
The cultures of the Sinti and the Roma are related, just like their language, which originates from one of the oldest languages, Sanskrit.
If you don't get a handle on that insufferable smugness of yours, you'll grow up to be just like that name-dropping skite on the radio.
While he supervised the workers Olga painted, wrote letters, washed, sewed and gardened just like any other Danish farmwife.
These torturous cruelties happen every day and night, also just like I said.
Next screw down the outer locknut and tighten them against each other just like on the other side.
The position is SO lacking in logic it makes me think that the unions have sold out just like our politicians.
According to Lee, the AFM is just like those used for metrology except that it actually comes in physical contact with the photomask.
She stared at the sun setting over the ocean and the moon rising next to the sun, just like she did every night.
Finally, I would just like to thank the supporters again for getting behind the team as they have done in recent games.
He was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his employees.
The image created is a reverse of the relief, just like the print from a rubber stamp.
My mum bought me my very own pair of ruby slippers when I was 12 and she used to plait my hair just like Dorothy!
Tim, to the uninitiated, may look just like many other tan coloured dogs but that would be an underestimation.
Cows are still skinned and dismembered alive, and pigs are still scalded to death, just like chickens are.
Not only is there tremendous pride in Amir's achievements but dozens of youngsters want to be just like him.

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The earliest members of the group had two separate leg bones, the tibia and fibula, just like humans.
As one looks upward at the wall, one can find the serpentine road clinging to the mountain just like a snake with numerous whirls.
But these trees and bushes and grasses around me are living organisms just like animals.
On the other hand, in the state of Victoria, the upper house is elected with single member electorates, just like the lower house.
Zach looks just like my dad, he's got these big brown eyes, and messy black hair that is all over the place.
In a Bose-Einstein condensate, a clump of atoms shares the same quantum wave function, just like the photons in a laser beam.
He had grubby trousers, work boots and a lumberjack shirt so he looked just like a workman.
Afterwards she sent me an email attaching a picture which she said looks just like me.
It's not being harsh but we simply have to attach some conditions because we cannot give money just like that.
Then just like earlier in the half the Graigue side swept forward in a wave of attacks which yielded a goal and three points.
You also got merceries which are just like you with their own stuff but you got no control over them.
The notation looks just like contemporary guitar tablature, but my musical knowledge stops around there.
But at the same time, very few players seem to understand that they win money just like a worker punching a time clock.
Whether it be buckle-front carry-alls or laid-back hip swingers just like a postman bag, casual luxe for this season is truly defined.
I just like skateparks better than any street mission because you can go there with all your friends and everyone's guaranteed a great session.
Now, just like with rock music philosophy, blues rests on the notion of the mythological, endless Saturday night.
Though I look just like her, they say, I act like my father, ruthless and uncaring.
In fact, holidaymakers in Tenerife will now be able to see delivery vans bearing the company's logo on the roads, just like home.
The rider on the bay horse sat the saddle just like Ben Cartwright's oldest boy.
Those days are gone, my friend, but just like Halley's Comet will make their comeback.

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The snow was white powdered sugar that quickly melted on the hot banana, just like real snow does when falling onto the ground.
She admitted she did not fear any new tsunamis, although her food stall, just like the others, was located on the beachfront.
These virtual disks can be formatted and file systems or databases mounted on them just like any conventional physical disk.
Lozenges should be sucked on and moved side to side until it is dissolved, just like hard candy or a cough drop.
I hope the next cop who tickets me looks just like that, fishnet stockings and all!
If my colleagues knew I was here, I would be thrown out of our organisation, just like that!
By this convention, birds are considered Reptilia, just like bats are mammals and snails are mollusks.
Remember that abdominals are muscles, just like triceps, biceps, pecs and lats.
My father was just like my gran, unaffectionate, disliked emotions, disliked any form of togetherness.
So they go walkabout with the Aborigine for what must be months but, just like the characters, we are unable to gauge time.
Well, the arteries are only designed to withstand certain pressures before there can be a blow-out, just like your car's tyres blowing out.
She sounded just like Sister Mary Joseph, the hatchet-faced Mother Superior who used to whack his knuckles with a ruler.
They greeted each other just like usual and in no time, Harry and Mark were on their third round of drinks.
Every American Red Cross bloodmobile is hosted by a volunteer, someone just like you.
Instead of cream, buy a tub of fat-free quark and loosen it with some milk to give it a silky smooth texture just like thick pouring cream.
A NAS server allows users to access files and images just like a typical network drive.
We just like to concentrate mainly on rehabilitation and rebuilding of war-torn countries.
He had given her corsage made of carnations just like these with little pieces of Queen Anne's lace mixed in and tied with a blue ribbon.
In the north, water is the element and it is its own coordinating symbol, just like fire.
The animals around the house have to be fed and watered and cleaned constantly, just like a child.

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A large group of fans have block-booked seats in what was the old Spion Kop and lead the singing just like a choir.
I was making a three-point turn, just like I usually do it, but it went out of control.
It is a very short, close-cropped weed, just like walking on a thick pile carpet.
She was going to jump off the rock into the cold May water and drown just like he did.
He's just another bloated millionaire just like Eddie Murphy, Bill Gates and all the rest.
I would just like to point out that I am in no way in favour of the scenario that I outlined above.
This herb grows in every grassy verge, preferably on the path, just like plantain or waybread, with which it shares most of its uses.
So prevalent are the warbloggers that they now have awards, just like the weak-kneed Hollywood liberals most of them despise.
He's just like the ubiquitous tyre kicker who is looking for a car but with a complete lack of enthusiasm.
He sits at a bench with a jug of water, poring over flight plans and weather charts, just like the rest of them.
But here we're making predictions based on certain assumptions, just like Gartner is, and using similar mathematical jiggery-pokery.
It blinded me with details of how many of its clients were looking for a car just like mine.
The two plays may differ in style but their concern is identical, just like the twins.
They said that as he was the only son, just like his uncle, he must be treated especially well.
They look just like the rafts of fragmented sea ice that lie off the coast of Antarctica on Earth.
Contemporary art, just like a lot of Joycean literature, became a rebellion, because they are saying we define art by that which is not art.
And then there were the 40 or 50 lesser nuns following behind her, two by two, just like a parade of schoolchildren on a daytrip.
Because of the westerly winds it just blows back in again, just like all the muck and dust from the building site next door.
It's just like when you were a kid and you made your own tracks for your matchbox cars around the house.
The plot is very hokey, just like any good horror movie, but the scares are genuine.

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Kebayoran Baru was just a large plantation mostly with rambutan and durian trees, just like other suburbs here.
Players, coaches and executives are frequently summoned for jury service, just like every other American citizen.
High in the air probably 1000 feet up I saw a small group of rooks riding a thermal just like they were a kettle of broad-wing hawks.
They are simply tools, just like an axe or adze, and only as good as the person using them.
Now players have the whip hand, just like Hollywood stars of the post-studio era, and they often behave badly.
We just get new business parks surrounded by seas of cars and a trim of polite landscaping just like anywhere else.
Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, just like visible light or x rays, but with a much higher energy.
If I hold the end just the right way and breathe out briskly, I can make a sound just like a kazoo.
The other three peered over his shoulder at the staff to see it was just like a small branch that had been twisted into a weird staff-like shape.
To Justin, they seemed just like friends, ready with compliments and always offering gifts.
With a dramatic swish of his cape, he ran out the hole he had blasted, jumping incredible distances just like the creatures they had faced.
And reading is a skill just like playing tennis, or playing rugby or playing the piano.
When you talk about withdrawing your services from the sick, it's just like the monopolists using monopoly power.
Once I'd booked my economy flight I was straight on to the airline press office to blag my upgrade, just like a real hack.
I'm happy enough to be the black sheep of the team, just like I'm the most downwardly mobile member of my family.
There are so many twists and turns, and every scene you think you know what's going to happen, and it's just like, bam!
I've heard guys in New York who sound just like Charlie Parker, but it's like a scratchy record of Parker.
When the rubber on the blocks wears out, they need to be replaced, just like bald tires.
It is greasy and oily and if the train then comes along and attempts to brake it causes slipping, just like black ice on the road.
A lone killer whale near a Canadian fishing village was a skilled mimic that barked just like a sea lion, a new study reveals.

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The molecules convert their kinetic energy into potential energy when they rise into the air just like the ball did.
I decided to check out this new boat even though I was looking forward to travelling the 2 hours on the old tub just like the old days.
Adleman realized that the genetic code can be used, just like the binary code of computer science, to encode mathematical problems.
When performing binary addition, just like for addition in base ten, we need to reserve two spaces for our result.
From the distance of the other side of the road it looks just like a regular advertisement on a billboard.
Over time we keep adding more stuff, and we are afraid to let go of any of it, just like a bag lady with her shopping cart.
You always run of washer fluid just when you need it, just like shoelaces always snap when you need to wear shoes.
Dogs, just like humans, forget, get distracted, make mistakes, get into mischief and act on impulse.
I don't consider myself to be wrapped up in my own little world, I just like to look at things from a slightly different angle from them.
We are just like any other country in the region, with our pluses and our minuses.
True, if he had talked it over with someone, he would have realized that love can be a long, hard road, just like the minstrels sang about.
With all respect, if we look from one perspective, it is just like looking at ants.
But it was scary in court anyway, with everyone all dressed up just like the real thing.
In a nutshell, biennial plants are just like annual and perennial plants except that it takes them two years to complete their life cycles.
Government hospitals have a dental surgeon on duty day and night just like a regular duty doctor, Dr. Veerabahu says.
Yep, just like Jane Goodall, here's my mom trapesing around the jungle to observe the gorillas.
The coffee was strong, her grey eyes lacklustre, her dull hair stringy, just like during the torn days.
In Spain we did have a period of transition from a totalitarian regime to a democracy, just like you.
Not in a lot of detail, mind you, because it was just like every other year we spend here.
Third of all, investors overshoot and undershoot, just like you and me, because oops, that's who the investors are.

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They sneak up on their prey just like a house cat sneaks up on a bird or toy one slow step at a time.
It has jaws that apparently can crush stones so that even crabs are just like mincemeat to it.
You'd get to know them, and pretty soon we were just like anybody else hanging out in the yard.
Cultured butter has active bacterial cultures added to it, just like yogurt.
Jeremiah had red hair just like Grace's, but instead of sizzling with energy like his sister, Jeremiah seemed to exude calm and relaxedness.
I just like to make records that I believe are conscious or socially relevant.
It looked just like the last two times that they had visited, which was a relief, considering the present circumstances.
I would love to be hopping out of my car right now to an uncrowded surf session at a break just like the one on the entry page to the site.
He is just like he is on the telly, very articulate, full of energy and highly entertaining.
She played the martyr and said she'd be quiet from now on, just like she'd promised before.
Stories are put out just like this one and a virtual game of telephone begins.
Make sure you take advantage of the repatriation tax break just like the big boys.
Although, I'm sure Shawna was often fashionably late to her classes just like all of her popular friends.
There will always be a role for gold, just like there are people who still wear zari.
What complicates the exchange process is that the spirit-forms are socially inter-tied, and have amours and spats, just like the Greek gods.
And just like many other mothers, my mother carted us around from one activity to another encouraging us to discover our interests and talents.
Many orthopedic conditions, just like dimples or cleft chins, are just normal variations of human anatomy that don't require treatment.
Being a manager in business is just like being a manager of a football team.
With a blood curdling cry, the elf lunged for me but I parried her attack and stepped out of the way, just like the many times in practice.
Just the week before another boy just like these two, another war orphan, was granted permanent residence.

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All of these are machines that involve data input that results in a transaction, just like a voting machine.
I date men who knock me off my bike in bike polo by throwing a mallet at my spokes and watching me fall just like the boys.
The first step is to take responsibility for your computer just like you take responsibility for your own health.
Chlamydomonas braunii is just like C. reinhardtii, except for the fact that it is anisogamous.
Samara looked just like any other girl in school except for her ankle socks.
But your scalp needs to be cared for just like the skin on the rest of your body.
If you cut it lengthways, the centre of it looks just like an odd-shaped cucumber cut along its length.
Angling my shoulders so they are parallel to the slope lets me hit uphill chips just like any other chip shot.
Then, I saw the smoke of the incense rise in a spiral, just like the coils of a snake, you know.
Then when he got to where he wanted to go he hit the stop button, just like the fast rewind on a video player.
Your coverage of the revolution was totally biased in favor of the mb, just like your Government.
But when the time came you stepped up to the plate just like George W. Bush did.
For me, I just like the activity, and the activity just happens to make money.
So just like any other amplifier, we wanted to simply just connect people and let them know their choices.
We start slowly, shyly, and awkwardly just like most teenagers discovering the birds and the bees.
The Baluch in Iran do not speak Farsi but Baluchi, just like the Baluch in Pakistan, and in Iran they are a Sunni minority.
His sexual life, just like his barbarism, was the result of deliberation, not appetites run amok.
It is a high-dollar, mutually agreeable tango, benefitting the network and the players, just like the James special.
I was really nervous when we started shooting, but once we started, it was just like riding a bike.
We need our tough-guy writers just like we need everyone who braves the vast fields of unpretentious, popular fiction.

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And, just like Katniss, we need rules that make solidarity a centerpiece of shared life, not a desperate act of rebellion.
The message of all this Chanel belt-tightening is that the rich are not just like you and me.
The TVA, a federally owned and chartered electric power provider, is a New Deal legacy just like Social Security.
I guess because people at the cheesecake Factory just like to sit there and sit there after consuming those 5,000-calorie meals.
We were baffled by a waterfowl just like this one back in September.
Yes, the new Robbie Williams waxwork is just like the real thing.
Bags need fabric and color, just like a conventional wearable.
It will be just like how all of Team Coco tuned in for the first batch of episodes of Conan.
In low light, they create after-images, just like stained glass.
And much of the credit to her transformation is owed to a finishing school that caters to women just like her.
The pronouns in Sumerian are gender indifferent just like in Uralic and Altaic and are also affixed to the morpheme and become part of the agglutinated phrase.
I lead a perfectly normal life, have dreams and ambitions just like the good children out there, and even realize some of those dreams every once in a while.
These work just like traditional agony columns, but questioners receive advice based on their own unique natal chart rather than just general advice.
But also, many of them have gone through the Cultural Revolution just like me.
They hope that if society can come to accept that marijuana has medical benefits, it will eventually accept the notion that it can be used recreationally, just like alcohol.
They joined, just like Gordon, during the army recruitment drive.
I have some rusty woodsias and I swear they look just like another fern.
It is redundant and unnecessary, just like most government programs.
I noticed that my three main characters, Sarita, Karun and Jaz, formed a trinity just like Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi.
She dreamed of getting married, resigning from her job, staying home and decorating a living room and baking bobka and cooking blintzes and kreplach, just like her mother.

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He was twenty-five when he signed up in Dillon, a town west of Ennis, and he went at it just like a rodeo.
The village is just like a Xanadu concealed in the mountain.
Issues facing the bazaar are manifold, just like its labyrinthine alleys.
Then it's just like the regular process for the other stuff I'm making.
Years later, my brother still believes that being a girl is a disgrace, just like most of the local boys think nowadays.
One day, I'll be reincarnated, just like our faith says, and family members are usually reincarnated together, so I can promise that I'll meet you again someday, okay?
I would just like to say to Mr Griller that whilst I have not studied the ladyboy situation in Pattaya, I have however experienced the harassment they can cause.
If you would just like to ask your solicitor, otherwise it will be a lot of going round the houses to achieve nothing except for saving the defendant having to pay something.
They have their own code of morals and honor, just like anyone else.
As the students repair leaks from damaged bulkheads the hull can be progressively flooded with water and rolled through 20 degrees, just like a ship at sea.
We are prepared to pay the double time and give them the time off in lieu, but we insist that public holidays are just like any other days of the year.
I also noticed he had a corduroy suit in his bag just like mine.
It's just like you to blame me for something I obviously didn't do!
My feelings for him blossomed, then ripped apart just like that.
Licorice root happens to look just like an old cheroot cigarette.
Just like last weekend's international match, this game was dominated by a red card to a lock forward and, just like last Sunday, it came after just 20 minutes.
When you decide that certain feelings are too threatening to experience, you cut off your life energy in some way, just like a logjam will dam a river's flow.
But none of these figures can begin to communicate the loneliness so many survivors feel, even when surrounded by thousands of others just like them.
When you're out on the street rousting suspects, you may grab the same guy twice because there will be six dudes that look just like him on that particular block.
I can be just like the other kids now, Oh Lordy, I Can Drive!

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I basically just like big hair and lotsa make-up and eyelashes!
City's reserves, just like the first team, cannot win at home.
In the morning we found the empty soda cans properly opened with the tabs provided for this and they were empty and lined up in a row just like a person had set them down.
If a fibre is mechanically extruded from a solution of silk protein just like pulling a thread from tacky glue, the fibre is still not as strong as real silk thread.
Femicides, Russell argues, are hate crimes, just like the killing of people on account of race, sexual preference, or ethnicity.
So you were taken in just like all the other fools by her beauty?
Hit the spacebar and just like autocorrect, the replacement will appear.
In their chiral nematic states, the materials have a helical macrostructure which acts like a diffraction grating and selectively reflect light just like a compact disc does.
All she wanted in the beginning was to be a Vegas showgirl, just like the mom she never knew.
The new polio threat is a major and predictable consequence of war, just like shrapnel injuries and broken families.
Mason ambles through life, free to enjoy the little moments and shrug off the big ones, just like his father did before him.
With a leap and a whir, the device made another rapid pre-scan and, just like magic, up popped a set of thumbnails showing what was on the negatives, very nicely rendered.
I would just like to extend a great big mahalo to you and all the work that you are doing to get this very important and useful information out and more accessible.
A calorie is a measurement, just like a teaspoon or an inch.
This time they made sure the stand-in had tattoos just like Beckham himself.
Would she still come to my soccer games and would she still play mini one-on-one soccer games in the backyard with Karmen as scorekeeper just like we used to?
The scouts gathered the information they wanted without any excitement, just like the first trip, and turned onto a road that would take them out of town.
Paul was in a brown habit just like the one worn by the figure of St. Francis in the huge mosaic on the front of the church.
The immigrants can stay, because they are victims of indifferent authorities just like we are.
And for the actual too-racy-for-primetime moments, edit them out just like you do for the straights.

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Now I'd earned my stripes and I was just like them, and I realized it wasn't what I wanted at all.
I am shocked and dismayed to learn that our neighbors to the north have government officials who play politics just like ours do down here in the barbarian south.
Instead you yield to him, just like the matador yields to the bull, and you use his strength and the principle of balance to bring about his downfall.
Without the racist prop the reader would have been just like anyone else on the train, yet with it he suddenly appeared to be an archetypal thickset English thug.
When you're done, it will automatically put it on your credit card and you'll roll right through the front end, through a speed gate, just like you would on the throughway.
This was appropriate because just like her jumbo soda, her twenty minute speech was filled with empty calories.
If it sounds as though I mock the sport, the truth is I am just like the third-grade bully who teases because of his or her own debilitating self-hatred.
Let the kids and grandkids deal with it, just like they can deal with the deficit, rogue nuclear meltdowns, and the collapse of the currency market.
But what to do about the determination of Tea Party know-nothings and those who think just like them?
On the other hand, it suits them well, just like their college timings.
Every rapper plays a superhero on stage or in the studio, just like Bruce Wayne turns into Batman.
Every week, just like all of you, we follow Aaron on his rants and tirades and so we just couldn't let another issue go out without us getting our own say.
They see people just like them being elevated quickly to power while they languish, and they become envious.
He explores it, with both gun and tobacco pipe in hand, just like Crusoe.
The technology integrates and microminiaturizes the chemical process on a glass chip just like the same concept of semiconductor integrated circuit.
So I'd just like to apologise to Nicholas for calling him a berk.
It seemed that we were Biblicists just like the fundamentalists around us.
Jamie hopes to reach dizzy heights just like big sister Amanda.
Therefore, information technology does not appear as a mirage in Arab countries as it has moved smoothly into the lives and work of people just like other places in the world.
He looks in all his photos just like Mellon and Biggs want their dogs to look always.

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And mister, if you don't smarten up you'll end up just like her.
An unflappable, no-drama type who was driven to win, just like Plouffe himself.
The perception that liberals are unpatriotic stems from that moment in time and from actions just like that.
It is just like some guy driving and he didn't use his turn signal.
I'd just like to expose this statement as a blatant pack of lies.
He turned on some mood music, but very low, just like I like it.
There will never be a silver bullet in security, just like there is never a silver bullet in any other line of work, but does that mean we should give up trying?
She dreamed of getting married, resigning her job, staying home and decorating a living room and baking bobka and cooking blintzes and kreplach, just like her mother.
Onlookers are watching to see the action in it just like people watch NASCAR to see the action.
We are planning to provide eight golf simulators which will be able to be used by everyone from professionals to those who would just like to try it out.
It's just like the difference in tone between a ukulele and a guitar.
Todd, a newlywed herself, said she expects to be watching it on television, just like everyone else.
I'll admit that Tom opened the door for me, but I had to buddy up with them and get to know them just like everybody else before they let me into their little circle.
Throughout the blustering winds parting the tall grass, a figure darted through the brush, and just like that moved as fast as the bolts of lightening above.
And the spellcheck usually defaults to American spelling, just like the signage in the new Christchurch Women's Hospital.
Yes, hunting birds can be as spendy as you want to make it, just like any hobby, I suspect.
She's our top returning rebounder, team MVP and a Mid-Wach all-star just like Kendra was last year.
I want to expand my tofu kit business and start tofuburger restaurants around the country, just like McDonalds.
The reason that the harmonica sometimes is called a tin sandwich is that you hold it just like a sandwich.
A man there was, grim his expression, just like a Thunderbird his features were frightening.

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I hated the concrete, cursed the teeming masses who looked just like me.
Doesn't it kill you how somebody who looks so attractive can be so brilliant? God, there ought to be a law. She looks just like Julie Christie.
It's just like withdrawing a billion dollars and putting it into your personal bank accounts.
However, just like said bombs, your sexperiences as a fresher can leave you feeling happy one minute and confused the next.
Responsive full-time continuous phase detection AF ensures that moving subjects stay sharply focused, just like with still shooting.
When a particle phrasal verb is transitive, it can look just like a prepositional phrasal verb.
The second rank either marching forward or standing still, will then fire just like the first.
In the primitive times, the Indians lived on fruits and wore clothes made of animal skin, just like the Greeks.
This battle between them is just like three katzenjammer Kids.
Incense burning may occasionally take place within the tea ceremony, just like Calligraphy, Ikebana, and Scroll Arrangement.
Within the Ministry of Education they are treated just like all other secondary institutions.
I would just like to point out that we need to finish our meeting by 9 o'clock.
In 1854, women won the right to inherit property in their own right, just like men.
If you work here long enough, you'll have the butcher's blues just like me.
So many obliviously swamped with the same arrogance believing the world thinks just like you.
Charlie reminds me of the color beige He has no criminal record. He has no traffic tickets. His social media posts are just like... he's beige.
It's a bureaucracy just like the other bureaucracies that run the other departments within City Hall.
As much as I'd just like to watch the shenanigans down Walford way I'm a bit puzzled.
Naturally, I bogged my head just like one of those rodeo broncs and avoided the caliber as much as I could without getting fired.
I catch the shadows I have borrowed on ceramic surfaces and start to vitalise them on my own curtain just like a shadow play director.


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